Friday, October 4, 2013

Strawberry Yogurt Foam Pudding

Hello Readers,

Its been long time never update my blog, busy...busy..busy..( wiped my sweats..)
Deeply sorry from me to you all my lovely readers.
Here's the dessert recipes which quite long time ago had posted in my facebook and quite a lot of friend asked for the recipe.
The taste of sourness of the strawberry and yogurt its really refresh the afternoon tea or cooling your mouth after the meals.

Sumber : Yasa Boga

Bahan-bahan :

1 bungkus agar-agar (10 gr)
300 gr strawberry, di blender
5 buah strawberry, diiris untuk hiasan di cetakan puding
350 ml yogurt
pewarna merah secukupnya (optional)
100 ml air
3 putih telur
150-175 gula pasir

cara buat :

1. larutkan agar-agar dengan air, kemudian didihkan sambil diakuk dan diberi gula gunakan api kecil.
2. masukkan strawberry yang sudah diblender, masukkan yogurt, dan pewarna, aduk kembali hingga mendidih, kemudian angkat dari api dan sisihkan.
3. kocok putih telur hingga naik dan kaku, tuang adonan agar-agar panas tadi sedikit-sedikit dengan menggunakan sendok, sambil dikocok dengan mixer dengan speed paling rendah sampai rata dan habis adonan agar-agarnya, kocok terus hingga adonan menjadi hangat.
4. siapkan cetakan agar-agar yang sudah di hias strawberry sebelumnya, kemudian tuang adonan agar-agar tersebut biarkan hingga mengeras.
5. Hidangkan dalam keadaan dingin dan menggunakan vla vanilla

untuk resep vanilla vla bisa di klik disini .

Tips :

  • pastikan pada saat menuang adonan agar-agar yang masih panas kedalam putih telur, mixer terus nyala (terus mengocok)  dan sedikit-sedikit. Mixer boleh dimatikan bila adonan sudah cukup hangat.
  • jika mixer diberhentikan padahal adonan masih panas, adonan nantinya tidak akan tercampur rata, jadi ada bagian agar-agar yang berbentuk air bukan berbentuk busa (foam)

Silahkeun mencoba ya... ;)

Source : Yasa Boga

Ingredients :

1 pack agar-agar powder  ( 10 gr)
300 gr strawberry, blended
5 pcs strawberry, sliced. Put into the agar-agar mold.
350 ml yogurt, can be plain yogurt or with strawberry flavour
few drops food coloring in red color ( can skip)
100 ml water
3 white eggs
150-175 castor sugar

How-To :

1. Dissolved agar-agar with water, bring to boil and stir occasionally, add in sugar gradually with low fire.
2. Add in blended strawberry, yogurt and food coloring if necessary. Stir and mix well until boil, remove from the fire and put aside.
3.  Beat the white eggs with electric mixer until hard peak, then add in the hot agar-agar slowly and gradually spoon by spoon, beat with low speed. Beat well until finish, bring to warm while you keep beating the agar-agar. If the batter completely warm and mix well, pour the batter into the mold.


Ingredients :

1 litre UHT milk
50 gr corn starch dissolved with 50 ml water
200 gr castor sugar
2 yolks dissolved with some of the milk

How-To :

1. bring to boil UHT Milk and sugar, with low fire. Add in the corn starch bring to boil, and off the fire.
2. pour the yolks which already mixed with milk, mix well and on the fire again, bring to boil and off the fire again.
3. cover with plastic cling wrap to avoid harden in the top surface of the vla.
4. Vla can store in the fridge while its warm already.

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