Saturday, December 29, 2012


Setiap libur sekolah, saya dan mba Yayuk selalunya membuat rencana untuk main masak-masakan, karena kalau pas libur sekolah, kami yang benar-benar FTM (Full Time Mom) baru ada waktu senggang untuk bisa explore lebih jauh tentang ilmu perdapuran.
Seperti biasa rencana hanya rencana kapan pelaksanaannya liat situasi dan kondisi saat itu, main masak-masakan kali ini pun baru dibicarakan 2 hari sebelumnya. Dan pilihannya adalah membuat Putu Mayang saos kinca dan Lapis Legit, kemudian kita bagi tugas apa saja yang akan dibeli, hasilnya nanti dibagi 2 deh.
Mau ikutan main masak-masakan dengan kami juga??? yuuukkk....mareeee, tapi kami hanya membatasi hingga 5 orang saja. Karena kalau sudah lebih dari 5 orang nanti tidak efisien, ilmunya ga nyangkut...hehehe.

Eh tapi main masak-masakan ini bukan berarti saya atau mba yayuk dah pinter ya..tapi kita belajar bersama untuk membuat sesuatu yang baru bersama-sama juga, jadi kalau ada gagalnya yaaa dimaklumi saja hehehe. Dari kegagalan itu nanti kita cari sebabnya...besok-besok jadi tau deh dan tidak gagal lagi.

OKE...bicara tentang si Putu Mayang ini, resepnya saya ambil dari blognya Mba Hesti, karena setelah membaca dan mereview beberapa resep, sepertinya ini yang lebih mudah untuk dicoba.

source : Buku  "Aneka Jajan Pasar Populer" Tim Dapur DeMedia

Bahan :
250 gr tepung beras
3   sdm gula pasir (boleh dikurangi)
1 sdt garam
500 ml santan ( saya pakai 1 kotak santan kara yg pack kecil dicairkan hingga menjadi 500ml)
100 gr tepung sagu
1 sdm minyak untuk mengoles daun pisang ( kemaren waktu buat lupa tidak di oles, jadi bisa di skip)
sedikit pewarna merah dan hijau ( jangan terlalu banyak kasih pewarna karena nanti setelah di steam warnanya akan lebih terlihat jelas)

cara buat :

  • Campur tepung beras, gula pasir, garam, dan santan, aduk rata terlebih dahulu, baru kemudian dimasak dengan api kecil  sambil diaduk-aduk hingga menggumpal, kemudian matikan api, angkat. 
  • Taburi sagu sedikit-sedikit dan uleni hingga rata.
  • Bagi adonan menjadi 3 bagian, beri pewarna merah untuk 1 bagian, pewarna hijau untuk 1 bagian, dan sisanya biarkan putih. Aduk hingga rata adonan yang diberi pewarna. Kemudian tutup adonan dengan serbet ataupun plastik supaya tidak kering.
  • Masukkan adonan kedalam cetakan putu mayang, letakkan diatas daun pisang yang sudah diolesi minyak.
  • Kukus selama 5-10 menit jangan terlalu lama nanti akan hancur.
  • angkat, siap disajikan dengan saos kinca. 
Bahan Saos Kinca :
200 gr gula merah
2 sdm gula pasir
500 ml santan
1 lbr daun pandan

cara buat :
keseluruhan bahan dimasak bersama, aduk sesekali supaya santan tidak pecah.

Note :
  • Saos kinca ini menurutku terlalu manis, kental dan gurih, jadi saranku, gula pasirnya bisa di hilangkan atau dikurangkan
  • untuk santannya,  cukup mencairkan 100 ml dari 1 pack santan kara menjadi 500 ml santan cair.

Naahh...kemaren kami menggunakan cetakan ini, untuk mencetak mie putu mayangnya...lumayan perlu tenaga untuk menekan adonan supaya bisa keluar.
Kalau tidak punya cetakan ini, jangan khawatir bisa menggunakan plastik yg dipotong ujungnya, tapi karena lubangnya hanya satu pastinya jadi lama.
OK temans, selamat mencoba ya...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Biasanya makanan ini menjadi salah satu masakan yang wajib dihidangkan pada saat hari Raya atau moment tertentu lainnya.
Saya sendiri lebih suka opor ayam yg berwarna kuning, dan berkuah banyak, supaya ada pilihan untuk anak-anak atau tamu yang tidak suka pedas.
Cara membuatnya pun mudah. Untuk menghindari supaya daging ayamnya tidak cepat rapuh  gunakan ayam kampung yg kemudian digoreng dulu sebentar, tapi proses ini bisa di skip atau dilewatkan.

By: wulanskitchen

Bahan :
1 ekor ayam kampung ukuran sedang potong 12
1 buah jeruk nipis ambil jusnya.
2 batang serai
5 lembar daun salam
2 ruas lengkuas
1 ruas jari kunyit
2 ruas jahe
1 sdt ketumbar
5 buah kemiri
8 butir bawang putih
10 butir bawang merah
garam secukupnya
1 liter santan
minyak untuk menggoreng dan menumis

cara buat :

  1. cuci bersih ayam kemudian diamkan sejenak dengan perasan air jeruk nipis, kemudian cuci kembali tiriskan.
  2. panaskan minyak kemudian goreng ayam setengah matang, angkat tiriskan.
  3. Haluskan bawang merah, bawang putih, ketumbar, jahe, kemiri, dan kunyit, kemudian tumis hingga harum, tuangi air secukupnya, aduk hingga rata, biarkan mendidih.
  4. Bila air sudah mendidih masukkan ayam yang sudah digoreng tadi, aduk hingga rata, masukkan sisa bahan2, dan masukkan santan.
  5. Aduk sesekali supaya santan tidak pecah, masak hingga ayam matang, tambahkan garam, bila rasa sudah cukup, matikan kompor, siap dihidangkan.

Mocha Cheesy Swiss Roll

I used  swiss roll recipe for this cake, is just modification in the filling to give more variety in the flavor  I had posted the recipe before, click this for the

And filled with Italian buttercream with the mocha flavor  with the grated cheese inside to give you cheesy and coffee taste. It makes this swiss roll taste something different and rich.

Monday, December 24, 2012


To celebrate end of year or end of Quarter4, TechLine IBM Malaysia celebrate it with lunch gathering. And  for the second time they ordered from wulanskitchen. Alhamdulillah.
Avocado choco mousse cake as and meehoon set for the lunch menu that day.  Thank you so much Ms. HL  for the orders and Looking forward for your next orders.

and here's the feedback...


Nyam...nyam..nyam....pokoke judule enakkkk aja deh si proll tapai keju ini, lembut dan moist adalah typical si proll tapai, dan berhubung toppingnya menggunakan keju, jadilah dinamakan proll tapai keju.  Topping atasnya boleh diganti dengan kismis ataupun dengan almond flake atau yang lainnya sesuai selera. 

Resep : Kedai Rachmah

Bahan :
150-175 gr tapai, buang seratnya dan haluskan
45 gr susu kental manis (condensed milk)
4 butir telur utuh
75 gr castor sugar
75 gr tepung terigu
10 gr maizena
15 gr susu bubuk
75 gr butter
25 gr minyak zaitun
keju parut untuk topping

cara buat :
  1. Haluskan tape denga susu kental manis hingga teksturnya halus, kental tetapi tidak padat dan ringan.
  2. lelehkan butter dan minyak zaitun, bila tidak ada bisa menggunakan minyak goreng biasa, lelehkan didalam microwave sebentar saja sekitar 10-15 detik, kemudian aduk rata, sisihkan.
  3. Kocok telur dan guka hingga kental mengembang, berjejak dan kaku, kemudian masukkan tape yang sudah dihaluskan tadi secara bertahap dengan membagi 2 bagian. Masukkan bagian pertama, aduk dengan kecepatan paling rendah dengan mixer, aduk merata. Masukkan bagian kedua, mixer kembali dengan kecepatan paling rendah sebentar saja. Matikan mixer
  4. Masukkan bahan kering yang sudah diayak ( terigu, maizena dan susu bubuk) juga secara bertahap, mixer perlahan hingga rata. Hindarkan mengaduk terlalu lama supaya adonan tidak turun banyak nantinya pada saat di oven.
  5. Tuang adonan kedalam loyang 18x18 cm atau loyang loaf  20 x 11 cm, yang sudah dialasi kertas roti pada bagian bawahnya. 
  6. beri topping pada bagian atas adonan
  7. Panggang dalan oven suhu medium 150-170'c selama 25 menit atau hingga kuning kecoklatan dan matang
  8. Bila sudah matang, angkat keluarkan dari loyang, biarkan hingga dingin, dan siap disajikan.

keterangan gambar :
1. Tapai yang dihaluskan bersama susu kental manis ( condensed milk)
2. tapai yang sudah tercampur dengan susu kental manis, teksturnya halus, kental, padat tapi ringan
3. adonan telur yang sudah mengembang kental dan kaku, bila diangkat dengan sendok atau spatula terbentuk jambul petruk.


Last minute ordered from a friend as a gift on Xmas eve, thanks dear for your order. Mocha Cheesy Swiss Roll as a based cake to make this log cake with chocolate ganache as a frosting.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


This cake  was an ordered in 2011, since i just find out the picture, so quickly posting in my blog as reference. This is  a carrot cake with the cream cheese frosting. Ordered for Raya Festive. Thanks for the order my friend Safura.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


Ordered from my dear friend for her lovely husband birthday. As a surprised morning breakfast with yellow rice. Thanks for the order mommy nita....


Sumber :
Resep: AYin

Bahan :

200 grm mie telur, remas-remas, rebus matang atau rendam dengan air panas, lalu tiriskan
1 bh dada ayam, rebus, cincang kasar.
1 butir telur, kocok lepas
1 bh wortel, serut kasar
1 btg daun bawang, iris tipis
1 bh bawang bombay, cincang halus
2 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
1 sdt merica bubuk
1 sdt garam
100 ml air kaldu
2 sdm tepung terigu, larutkan dengan sedikit air
1 sdm margarine untuk menumis
2 butir telur untuk celupan
minyak untuk menggoreng
Cara membuat :
  • Tumis bawang bombay sampai layu
  • Lalu masukan bawang putih, aduk sampai harumnya keluar.
  • Tambahkan sayuran dan daging ayam cincang.
  • Lalu masukan mie telur, air kaldu dan telur kocok.
  • Beri garam dan merica.
  • Aduk sampai air menyusut, tuangkan larutan tepung terigu.
  • Masak sampai mengental, masuka kedalam loyang yang telah diolesi minyak
  • Diamkan selama kurleb 30 menit sampai agak kaku
  • Potong-potong lalu celupkan kedalam kocokan telur.
  • Goreng sampai kuning keemasan.
  • Sajikan dengan cabe rawit 
Mee shoah bisa diganti dengan mie biasa atau bahkan bisa diganti dengan bihun. 
Ayam juga bisa diganti dengan daging cincang atau smoke beef/chicken.
Jadi tidak tergantung resep baku, modifikasi sendiri dengan kemudahaan bahan-bahan yang ada.
Mudahkan cara buatnya????....silahkeun dicoba sebagai kudapan lain untuk arisan atau pengajian.


source :
Recipe : Ayin


200 gm  Shuah/egg noodles, knead, boiled or soak with hot water until soft and drained
1 pc chicken breast, boiled, chopped roughly.
1 egg, beaten off
1 pc carrot, shaved rough
1 stalk spring onion, thinly sliced
1 pc onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tsp pepper powder
1 tsp salt
100 ml chicken broth
2 tablespoons flour, dissolved in a little water
1 tablespoon margarine for sauteing
2 eggs to dye
oil for frying

  • Saute onion until soft
  • Then put in the garlic, stir until fragrant out.
  • Add the vegetables and minced chicken.
  • Then enter the egg noodles, broth and beaten eggs.
  • Add salt and pepper.
  • Stir until the waters recede, pour the flour solution.
  • Cook until thickened, after all disolve put into a baking pan that has been smeared oil
  •  Let stand for 30 minutes until slightly stiff
  • cut into pieces and dip it into the beaten eggs.
  • Fry until golden brown.
  • Serve with chili

Note :
Mee Shoah can be replaced with any regular noodles or even be replaced with vermicelli (meehoon)
The chicken also can be replaced with chopped meat or smoked beef / chicken.
So do not depend on the raw recipe, make modification of the recipe with existing materials at home.
You can tried this fritters as another snack for the any gathering.

Friday, December 21, 2012


Special ordered for cutie lil girl on her 1st birthday, she born on year of rabbit, it makes as her theme birthday cake. My girls also love this cake with the cutie bunny. Many thanks for the order mom...will wait for the other one.

Alhamdulillah, thanks for your feedback my dear Eunice....

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Repeat order from a friend who wanna celebrate her son birthday at school, he loves captain america, since last minute ordered i didn't managed to make the figurine. Hopefully he likes the cake and enjoyed the party.


Ordered from friend who wanna celebrate her daughter birthday, she wanted the barbie moeslimah and in pink. So this is it the barbie moeslimah.

The birthday girl with her barbie moeslimah cake, happy face and i am happy too.


A Potato chips bag which doesn't has a chips, because its a CAKE. Learnt a new lesson from Sheryl Bito, to make a smooth cake like this,  the shadow, the shiny looks  applied at this chips bag cake.

DocMcstuffin Cupcakes

  Ordered from my dear friend Lalaine, who celebrate her girl bday. She loves DocMcstuffin character,
at the beginning i don't know what is Doc Mcstuffin, after gooling then i knew, its a new character in disney channel.

the birthday girl among her classmate with the birthday cupcakes.


Ordered from my friend's customer, for her 6 Years old son which loves Ben 10.
They wanted to share with his classmate, decorated with edible image and figurine,
Thanks for the order mom.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Hello Kitty for Aisyah

She loves Hello Kitty, her special request is, it has a hello kitty on top there, the rest is all up to me, then i make it as hello kitty theme, in white-pink color.
Alhamdulillah she loves it very much....and i am happy too....


 A bit shock when got this ordered, was thinking she just wanna a standard tier cake, but she wanted a TUPSY TURVY cake....alamak!!! "think...think..think".

Deeply inside my heart i was happy that time, because the deepest depths I always wanted to make a tupsy turvy cake.  Always thinking how to make it without using a proper pan for this cake. Means how to carving this cake....its a big challenge.

I was encourage myself to take this opportunity to make it happen. I informed my customer that i never make this cake before, but I will try to do my best to make it. Then she was agreed.

Time clicked very fast, was thinking wanna do trial at the first, but i cannot, since the other orders keep coming, no time to do trial, but every day I always review, read, asked for tutorial for my pen pal Ajeng Melani who stays in Belfast, Ireland. She made tupsy turvy cake before with 2 tier. We had many discussion about this project, until the day it came to baked, prepared, carved,.....etc. Even not perfect but Thank You Allah, i managed to made this.

when received the message from my customer, i am so happy.....Alhamdulillah.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Red Velvet with the Angry Birds

Ordered from one of my best friend for her son birthday who loves angry birds so much. His so adorable and cute..
thanks mom, for the ordered .

Since Rasyad's father also birthday in the same date, my friend ordered the yellow rice "nasi tumpeng" for the great man in the family.
Many thanks for your order mom....

Cheesy Swiss Roll

source : NCC

Ingredients A:
6 yolks
5 eggs
125 gr castor sugar
1 tbsp cake emulsifier
1 tsp vanilla

Ingredients B:
20 gr milk powder
100 gr flour

Ingredients C :
125 gr butter
1 tbsp water

How-To :
1. Grease the swill roll pan then cover the baking paper on it.
2. Melted the ingredients C, put a side let it cool become a room temperature.
3. Mixed ingredients B, then shifted.
4. Beat into a mixer bowl ingredients A, until think, pale color and fluffy
5. Pour the ingredients B gradually, mix well.
6. Pour in the ingredients C, gradually, mix well.
7. Pour the batter into a pan, bake for 20-30 minutes with medium heat 150-170'c

I used an italian buttercream for the filling inside then shredded cheese on top of the cream filling, roll it up the cake, grease again the top part with the buttercream and pour the shredded cheese.

Click here for recipe  italian buttercream

Barbie Cake for Sabrina

Basic request, the barbie has to pink and purple, hmmm... i think the most favorite color among the little girl and chocolate cake as a base cake.
Many thanks for the order mom, will waiting for the other one.

Girly Cake for Saniya

This cake is for special girl to celebrate her 13th birthday, many thank for your ordered teteh cantik, i am waiting for your repeat ordered.


Black rice (also known as purple rice or forbidden rice) is a kind of sticky rice which is one of several black colored heirloom plants producingrice variants such as Indonesian black rice and Thai jasmine black rice. (source from wikipedia)

Although black rice is hard to find in Malaysia, it doesn't lose my spirit to try to make this cake and incidentally also want to try that in the type of steamed cake. The distinctive fragrance of black rice is tempting me to immediately cut of freshly steam cake.

Source : NCC

Ingredients :
6 eggs
200 gr castor sugar
1 tsp cake emulsifier
350 gr black rice ( black glutinous rice)
1/4 tsp salt
150 ml cooking oil
200 ml coconut milk

How-To :
1. Heat up the steamer with low to medium fire, do not use high fire, it will make your cake broke or expands quickly but when it is cold the cake will immediately shrink.
2. Beat into the mixer eggs, salt, castor sugar, and cake emulsifier until thick, white color and fluffy.
3. Gradually pour in the black rice which has been shifted before use. 
4. Pour in the cooking oil and coconut milk alternately, mixed well
5. Grease the pan with margarine, sprinkle with flour, then pour the batter into the pan. Steam until cooked,it takes about 40 minutes. Leave it outside until cool. Put inside the airtight container for storing. I used the pan with 9" diameter.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

ChocoCheese Bread

Quiet difficult to find a choco cheese bread in Malaysia, most of bakery selling a floss bread, sausage, red bean, or just chocolate or cheese only.
Remembering my childhood time, my mom always bought for us a choco cheese bread. Now its time for me to fulfill my craving for this ChocoCheese Bread, and so you do, can make your own bread at home for your love

ChocoCheese Bread
Source : NCC

Ingredients A :
500 gr High Protein flour
100 gr castor sugar
11   gr yeast
1/2 tsp bread improver
4 yolks
200 ml cold water

Ingredients B :
100 gr butter/margarine
5     gr salt

Ingredients C :
100 gr chocolate sprinkles
3 slices of cheddar cheese, one slices divided into 8 pieces.

1. Mix ingredients A, knead until lumpy. Put in the ingredients B, knead the batter until smooth elastic. Then Rest  the dough for 20 minutes until fluffy.

2. Knead dough and roll until thinly, then cut it and weigh at 40 grams each, make it round and rest it for 10 minutes.

3. take one of the dough, put the contents of c material, round shape again. Do the same thing until the dough runs out.

4. Let stand  the dough for 30-60 minutes, depending on the warmth of the air. After visible light expands, whipped the topped of the dough with egg yolk which mixed with a little bit of fresh/UHT milk.

5. put in the oven for 20 minutes or until cooked and golden browned, with moderate temperatures 150'c-160'c.

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