
Sunday, October 14, 2012


This is a meringue-based (putih telur) recipe named after a russian ballet dancer, Anna Pavlova who toured to New Zealand and Australia in 1926. There is a long standing debate about whether New Zealand or Australia invented this dessert, which has yet to be resolved.

Pavlova (Pav) is a meringue cake that has a light and delicate crisp crust and a soft sweet marshmallow. To offset the sweetness of the meringue we put fresh tart fruits such as strawberries, passion fruit, kiwi, orange, grapes, blueberries or other fruit of your choice.

Because the pavlova need time to bake and cool, you have to start making it about 6 hours before serve. The best way is made the pavlova several days in advance of serving and store it in an airtight container.  Try to place the whipped cream and fruit on the meringue shortly before serving as the Pavlova will immediately start to soften and break down from the moisture of the cream and fruit.

The best to cook the meringue in a slow oven 130'c and when the oven turn off, let the meringue cool slowly and completely inside the oven and leave the oven door close.  

This picture below show the pavlova texture,  the outside of the meringue will feel firm to the touch, if gently pressed, but as it cools you will get a little cracking and you will see that the inside is soft and marshmallowy.

source : Pn. Azimah
modified : wulanskithen
for 2 pavlova shell 9"

Ingredients A :
6 white eggs (210 gr)

Ingredients B:
230 gr castor sugar

Ingredients c :
1.5 tsp vanilla extract/powder/flavour
1.5 tsp white vinegar
1 tsp corn flour


1. Heat up the oven to 130'c
2. Cover the baking tray with a sheet of baking paper. Use a round cake pan or cake board with 9" (23 cm) diameter across to draw a circle of it on the baking paper.
3. Put the egg whites in the bowl beat with medium speed, and pour in the castor sugar in it gradually.
4. add in the ingredients C into the batter, beat again until stiff, shiny and fluffy. The sugar has to fully dissolved by rubbing a little of the meringue between your thumb and index finger. The meringue should feel smooth, not gritty. If it feels gritty the sugar has not fully dissolved so keep beating until it feels smooth between your fingers.
5.  Spread the meringue inside the circle drawn on the baking paper, smoothing the edges, making sure the edges of the meringue are slightly higher than the center, because we want to place the whipped cream and fruit.
6. Bake for  1 hour 10 minutes or until the outside is dry and is a very pale cream color. 
7. when the oven off, leave the door closed and let the meringue cool completely in the oven.
8. Just before serving gently place the meringue onto a serving plate. 


Ingredients A :
200 gr fresh milk

Ingredients B :
2 yolks
25 gr corn flour
20 gr fresh milk
20 gr castor sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract

Ingredients C:
300 gr fresh cream (whipped cream)

How-to :
1. Double boil the ingredients A until warm
2. Mixed well together the ingredients B and pour into the ingredients A which still in the double boiling process. Keep stirring until thick and cook. Off the fire and cover the cream with plastic wrap leave it until cool.
3. Beat the ingredients C until soft peak, beat in together with the custard cream, beat well, and the cream ready to use as a topping in the pavlova shell.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Talam Ubi

Kebetulan lagi mau buat kuah somay yang menggunakan ubi merah sebagai bahan campurannya, aku lebihin dikit waktu beli si ubi merah ini. Camilan kesukaan aku dari kecil, masih ingat kalau pergi sama almarhumah mama ke Blok M atau ke Pasar Majestic pasti mampir toko kue basah, dan aku pasti nunjuk salah satunya  talam ubi ini.

Ubinya ga harus ubi merah sebenarnya, ada ubi yang warnanya ungu lucu juga kaan kalau dijadiin talam ubi. Kalau dikukus dan dimakan begitu saja ada beda rasa antara si ubi merah dengan ubi ungu, yang pasti ubi ungu less sweet, rasanya manis jambu gitu enakkk deh. Tapi hati-hati juga ada beberapa orang yang sensitif dengan memakan ubi-ubian ini, jadi cepat kembung alias nanti jadi buang angin terus hihihi....huss koq ya ngomongin makanan dibahas juga yg tak sedapnya. yawda lanjuttt....back to topic.

Resep ini aku ambil dari buku 1001 Resep Masakan Nusantara Mak Nyuss Karangan Prudianti Tedjokusuma. Buku ini aku beli waktu ngeborong sale Gramedia, semua buku resep diskon 90%...uhhhh bahagiaaaaa banget, gimana ga bahagia buku bisa ada yang harganya cuman 50cent saja. Malah lebih mahal jajannya ketimbang beli bukunya Rm 200 dah dapet segunung, buku resep yang g jelas pun aku beli hihihi bener-bener kalap deh. Dan buku 1001 Resep  ini sudah terbukti beberapa kali aku buat hasilnya OK. Yah...jadi lulus sensor deh di dapurku bisa jadi buku panduan.

Sumber : 1001 Resep Masakan Nusantara

Lapisan bawah :
500 gr ubi jalar
150 cc air mendidih
150 gr tepung beras
100 gr sagu
350 cc santan cair
1/2 sdm garam halus (aku skip)
250 gr gula pasir

Lapisan atas:
350 cc santan kental
60 gr tepung beras
30 tepung kanji/sagu
1sdm peres garam halus (aku kurangi)

Cara buat :
1. Kukus ubi jalar hingga matang atau empuk kemudia kupas dan haluskan
2. Tepung beras dicampur dengan air panas sambil diaduk rata, masukkan ubi jalar yang sudah dihaluskan, tepung sagu, santan encer, gula pasir dan garam aduk rata, kemudian saring.
3. Ambil cetakan kue mangkok dan harus dipoles dengan minyak goreng supaya mudah melepaskannya.(aku kemaren rada males tdk dipoles minyak walhasil agak susah utk dikeluarkan dari cetakan karena lengket)
4. Tuang adonan 3/4 kedalam cetakan, kemudian kukus hingga matang kurleb 15-20 menit
5. kemudian tuang adonan santan kental yang sudah dicampur dengan tepung beras, sagu dan garam
6. Tuang adonan santan keatas adonan ubi merah yg sudah matang, kemudian kukus kembali hingga matang kurleb 15-20 menit.
7. bila sudah dingin baru lepaskan kue dari cetakan

  • aku kemaren buat hanya 1/2 Resep saja dapat 22 buah talam ubi
  •  gunakan santan yg sudah dimasak terlebih dahulu supaya talam ubi lebih awet dan tahan lama.
  • kalau tidak punya cetakan kue mangkok, loyang biasa pun bisa digunakan, caranya sama seperti menggunakan cetakan kue mangkok hanya saja nanti bila sudah dingin baru dipotong-potong dengan menggunakan pisau yang sudah diolesi minyak goreng atau dilapisi dengan plastik.
Ok temans selamat mencoba ya...