
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Black Forest (Edisi LatBar)

Black Forest yang dibuat latihan bareng disaat anak-anak lagi libur sekolah, anak-anak juga ada kegiatan untuk buat cookies hias. Latbar dengan kakak-adik ku di Kuala Lumpur ini...Mba Yayuk dan Yuni Kurniah, karena kami dah deket rasanya sudah seperti saudara jadilah kakak-adik di negeri jiran ini, kali ini kami ngeberantakin rumahnya bude yayuk, dari awal sd akhir seruuu sekali..kegiatan latbar ditutup dengan main bowling bareng.

Penampakan si BF hasil latbar...udah males utk nyerut si coklat, rasanya dah pengen cepat-cepat dimakan...

Begitu dah jadi ga sabar untuk di potong, masuk dalam fridge cuma 1 jam saja,  jadilah potongannya seperti ini...makan sepotong rasanya ga cukup...apalagi sambil ngobrol ditemenin secangkir kopi...maunya nambah terus deh....

Resep Black Forest diambil dari Buku Resepnya NCC

Bahan :
8 butir telur
60 gr cokelat bubuk
40 gr tepung maizena
100 gr tepung terigu
1 sdm cake emulsifier
100 gr mentega lelehkan
200 gr gula pasir
1/4 sdt vanili bubuk

Untuk hiasan :
500 gr whipped cream
100 gr dark cooking chocolate
red cherry
1 kaleng cherry hitam, saring, pisahkan airnya

Cara buat :
1. Campur terigu, cokelat bubuk dan tepung maizena, aduk rata dan ayak
2. Kocok telur, gula, vanilli bubuk, cake emulsifier hingga mengembang dan kental
3. masukkan campuran tepung terigu yg sudah diayak tadi
4. masukkan mentega leleh, aduk rata
5. tuang kedalam 3 buah loyang ukuran 22x22x4 cm
6. panggang 20-25 menit, 180'c

Penyelesaian :
1. Basahi satu lapis cake dengan air cherry hitam, oleskan whipped cream, susun potongan cherry hitam tumpuk kembali cake berikutnya, ulangi proses yg sama hingga selesai.
2. bila sudah selesai dirapikan susunannya, oles dan tutup dengan whipped cream, hias dengan coklat serut atau hiasan coklat lainnya.
3. Semprot whipped cream dibeberapa bagian kemudian letakkan red cherry diatasnya
4. siap dihidangkan, letakkan dalam fridge untuk beberapa jam untuk rasa yang lebih enak.

Lemper AYam

Traditional cakery yang tidak pernah bosen untuk dimakan...tergolong jenis snack asin. Buatnya pun mudah..


Bahan Ketan
½ kg ketan
500 cc santan dr 1 btr kelapa (kara)
1 sdt garam
2 lbr d. pandan
daun pisang utk bungkus

cara buat :
Rendam ketan selama 1 jam
Kukus ketan kira2 15 menit
Santan, pandan dan garam didihkan aduk rata.
Tuang santan ke dlm ketan yg sudah dikukus aduk rata diamkan hingga meresap.
Kukus kembali kira2 20 menit atau hingga masak.

Bahan Isi :
½ kg ayam fillet
1 lbr d. salam
1 ptg lengkuas memarkan
1 btg serai memarkan
1 sdm minyak goreng
250 cc santan dr ½ btr kelapa (kara)

Bumbu haluskan :
1 sdt ketumbar
4 btr bawang merah
3 btr bawang putih
1 btr kemiri
2 sdm jintan
air asam jawa seckpnya
gula secukupnya

Cara buat :
Rebus ayam sd matang, angkat suwir2 tipis
Tumis bumbu yang dihaluskan sd harum. Masukkan lengkuas, serah dan d. salam aduk sebentar masukkan ayam. Aduk rata, masukkan air asam, gula dan santan aduk rata masak hingga kering.

Cara bungkus :
Adonan ketan letak dalam loyang tipiskan dan ratakan
Letakkan adonan isi aya ratakan
Tutup dengan adonan ketan lagi
Potok kotak2, letakkan dlm daun pisang berbalut plastic atau kertas minyak.
siap dijual deh....hehehe..."lemper..lemper...." 

BDC Black Forest -Classic Recipe

This BF actually the 1st one i made in terms of decoration and recipe.
Special request from my best friend Yanti for his lovely husband. With really classic recipe black forest.
So many black forest recipe out there but yanti's husband only like the classic one.
do you know that the classic one? here's the recipe that i made for this BF.

source :: Joy of Cooking::

The sponge cake :

6 eggs
150 gr castor sugar
1/2 tbsp cake emulsifier
125 gr cake flour
25 gr cocoa powder
1/2 tsp vanilla powder
75 gr melted margarine/butter
1 tsp chocolate emulco

How to :

1. shifted flour and cocoa powder together, put aside
2. Beat eggs, sugar and cake emulsifier till thick and fluffy (soft peak)
3. Pour the flour and cocoa, mixed well
4. pour the melted margarine/butter, mixed well
5. Put the batter in the 20cm round pan, which already grease and cover with baking paper.
6. bake for 30 minutes -180'c or untill cooked.
7. After the cake cool divided by 3 layers and ready to put the filling.

Simple syrup :
100 gr sugar
100 ml water
5tbsp rhum/krisch ( skipped)
---> mix water and sugar cooked untill boil leave it cool and add in the rhum/krisch

Filling :

1 tin darkcherry, drained get the syrup from the darkcherry
25 ml water
2 tbsp corn flour mix well with little bit of water
----> boiled the water and syrup from the darkcherry pour in the corn flour, stir and cooked well, leave it cool

Topping :

Red cherry
125 gr dark cooking chocolate
500 ml whipped cream or butter cream

Arranging the Cake
1. Get one layer cake, wet it with simple syrup then spread the filling, put the dark cherry
2. cover again with one layer do the same thing, till finish.
3. Beat the whipped cream till peak, cover the cake with the whipped cream, and decorate with dark cooking chocolate.
4. Put the red cherry as a garnish decoration
5. ready to serve...

BDC Black Forest

In the same day, i have to made two BF for a special person whose celebrate a birthday in the same date

this one is for Safura's Husband...

and this one is for Novia's Husband...

thank you my friend for the order, i wish you Happy Birthday and all the best, hope you enjoy the cake and i'll wait for the repeat order from you...

Fried Prawn (Udang Goreng Tepung)

Ingredients :

500 gr Large Prawn
4 pcs  garlic fine grated
1/2  tsp salt
1/2 tsp chicken powder

for dipping flour :
1 eggs
1 tbsp tapioca flour-evenly
2 tbsp flour-evenly
1/2 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp salt

Direction :

1. clean up and peel off the prawn's skin, leave the tail. Wash and drained.
2. mix well the prawn with the garlic and other ingredients, leave it for 10 minutes or more.
3. Dipping flour : mixed well all the ingredients, if the batter to thick you can add 1 egg, deep the prawn in the batter flour and fried in low fire.
4. Cooked till the yellowish color.
5. ready to serve

Selamat Hari Raya 2011

Hello everybody there...Assalamualaikum

Really a long break for me who never update my own blog. It seems 24hrs it is not enough to do my list. I'm a Single fighter@Wu Lan's a driver, bakul kue, moms, wife, what ever you named it...

Alhamdulillah mercy to Allah..who gave me a good health and blessed with so kind of family and friends. Cookies and cakes ordered during last Raya its completed. Hope you all friends love and enjoy my handmade cakery.

This Raya its so special for us, that we celebrated Raya together In Indonesia with our big family. Even plan" balik kampung" its unplan and sudden but we managed to went to Jogya-Bandung, and view places surrounding , visited many interesting places, and also always meet the terrific jammed. But we all enjoy it very much...And from myself, i managed to attend the private class with NCC to learned "Ayam Kodok" one of my hubby favorites food.

Short happy notes to share from me and from Wu Lan's Kitchen family member wish you " HaPpY Eid Mubarak"

Hope we meet again next year with a blessed Ramadhan.....amin yra.